Satan, the Devil

Satan the Devil: who is Satan and who is the Devil?

Satan the Devil: who is Satan and who is the Devil?

Did you ever asked this question: „Who is Satan or who is the Devil„? The Bible describes the person, who is called Satan or Devil, as a spirit creature. Satan is the chief adversary of the Almighty God Jehovah (Jehovah is according to the Bible God’s name). And also the chief adversary of all persons who worship the true God. The word Satan has a meaning in English. It means resister. This is fitting. Because this name (Satan) was given this spirit person, because he resisted God, the Almighty. This spirit person is also called Devil, which means Slanderer. And the spirit person, who is called Devil or Satan, is the foremost slanderer of God. So also the name Devil describes this spirit person in a very right way.

Satan, the Devil is called the god of this system of things

Let us open the Bible in the Bible book of 2. Corinthians and let us read in chapter four the verses three and four. There we can read: “If, now, the good news we declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through”. Satan, the Devil is called god of this system of things, which shows that Satan has a powerful influence. Because god can for example mean a mighty or powerful person. And if Satan can have such an influence to so many people, he can surely called in that way, isn’t it?

What should we do to prevent this happening to us?

So, if Satan is blinding many people, that the glorious good news about Jesus Christ is not well understood, should we not really take some time and make sure that we really understand (in a right way) the good news about the Christ Jesus? It is really worth every effort!

Where should we search and find the truth about Satan, God, Jesus Christ… and where not?

In our search for the truth, we should not just trust a priest or other religious people. Because one way in which Satan, the Devil, is misleading people, is, that Satan has used apostate Christianity to obscure the truth about God’s purpose for mankind and the earth. This is a real established fact. How can we say that? Because what the Bible tell us very clearly about Jesus Christ, God, God’s purpose for mankind and the earth is different from that, what the most religions are telling the people. In fact, religions are telling the people very different things. Don’t you think, that Satan, the Devil, likes that? If he is the one, who has blinded the minds of the unbelievers. So we should find out the truth about Jesus Christ, about God and about God’s purpose for mankind and the earth in the Bible itself. Don’t you think?

What does the Bible say about Satan, the Devil?

According to Jesus Christ (The Bible, John 8:44), the Devil is someone who was originally in the truth. But did not hold on to the truth. And started out as a murderer because he has no truth in him. And if he lies, then it would be revealed who he really is. For he would be a liar and the father of lies. According to the Bible, the devil is described as an angel of light. So he hides behind the scenes and presents himself completely differently than he really is. It is important that we do not allow ourselves to be misled by Satan, the devil.

In the Bible book 1 Peter, chapter 5, verse 8, the devil is described as our enemy. He runs around like a roaring lion and is out to devour someone.

But how can you protect yourself from the devil?

In the Bible book of James, chapter 4, verse 7, it says that we should submit to God. And oppose the devil. Then the devil would flee from us.
So we can protect ourselves from the devil if we submit to God’s guidelines and standards. These are like a protection from the devil. Like a protective, safe fence from lions. Those in a zoo, for example.
This includes having nothing to do with the wrong religion. The religions that do not please God.
And this also includes staying away from spiritism. For example, from fortune-telling.
But there is much more to it. For example, according to the Bible book of Matthew chapter 6 verse 24, Jesus said that we cannot serve God and wealth.
And according to the Bible book of 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verses 9 and 10, a list is given of things that God condemns, for example. This includes, for example, sexual immorality, adultery, homosexuality, idolatry or theft.

What will happen to the devil in the future?

God’s Word shows us that Jehovah God will intervene in our world events in the near future. And then the devil will no longer be able to influence world events for 1000 years. Then he would have the opportunity to influence people again for a short time. And then he would be destroyed forever.