What is repentance?

What is repentance
In God’s Word, the Bible, repentance means that someone sees his behavior as a mistake. He gives up the behavior and is determined not to repeat the mistake. Repentance causes a change of mind. It is accompanied by a deep regret about the previous way of life, about a wrong behavior or an action that was not done. Real repentance causes a change of behavior. Different actions. Read in the Bible Matthew 3:8; Acts 3:19; 2 Peter 3:9.
Real repentance is a foundation for a happy life. If someone truly repents of his sins, he can be confident, that Jehovah God is ready to forgive his sins.
According to the Bible book of Jeremiah, chapter 3, verses 12 and 13, Jehovah God had called on his people at that time to return. And said that he would not be angry and would not hold a grudge forever.
Even with someone who had sinned as seriously as Saul, who was later called Paul. Who had committed serious sins and persecuted Christians. But when he sincerely repented, Jehovah God forgave him his sins. So completely that he later even used Paul to write down parts of the Bible.