Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses (Anniversary of Jesus Death)
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses to remember the death of Jesus Christ
Try to find the answers to the following questions: Why is it important for You to visit the Memorial of Jehovah’s Witnesses? Why did Jesus Christ die?
The Memorial date corresponds to Nisan 14 (biblical calendar).
On this evening Jesus Christ instituted the Lord’s evening meal. And later on the same day (Nisan 14), Jesus Christ gave his life as a sacrifice for us. In order that we have the chance to get everlasting life. Learn later on this page, how beautiful this could be.
Date of the Memorial from Jehovah’s Witnesses
Nisan 14 2025 corresponds to Saturday, April 12, 2025. So the Memorial 2025 of Jesus Christ’s Death is on this Day and Date.
Video about the Memorial 2025 from Jehovah’s Witnesses (on YouTube): .
Video about the special Bible Talk 2025 from Jehovah’s Witnesses (on YouTube): .
Memorial: why important?
One reason is: in the Bible we can find the commandment from Jesus Christ to observe the Memorial (Lord’s Evening Meal, Last Supper, Lord’s Supper). To remember his death.
Jesus Christ commanded to observe the Memorial
It was in the year 33. The day Nisan 14 (biblical calendar) just began. The day, when Jesus Christ offered his life. As a sacrifice for humankind. When the day of Nisan 14 begann, Jesus Christ instituted the Lord’s evening meal (Memorial). And commanded his followers: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me” (The Bible, Luke 22:19).
Also, we can show our appreciation for what Jesus Christ and Jehovah God did for us, if we visit the Memorial.
Jehovah’s Witnesses Memorial: Do you have to pay for the Memorial?
No! There is no admittance fee and no collection at the Memorial from Jehovah’s Witnesses.
What can the Death of Jesus Christ make possible for you?
On YouTube you can watch the video: “What can the Death of Jesus Christ can make possible for you?”
Living forever in Paradise on earth through the death of Jesus Christ
The time of Jesus Christ on earth had an important purpose. Jesus Christ gave his life as a sacrifice. In order that we have the chance to live forever. According to God’s word, the Bible, the death of Jesus Christ opens the way for everlasting life right here on earth.
But at this time, life will be totally different as today. Everybody can be very happy. And enjoy a life without war, crime and other bad things. Instead there will be peace all over the world without suffering.
And enough food for everyone. And imagine this: everybody can enjoy good health and youthful energy.
You can watch the video “Why did Jesus die” on
Read Bible Scriptures about the beautiful future in a paradise on earth on
Invitation to the Special Bible Talk in connection with the Memorial
Get contact information from the nearest congregation from Jehovah’s Witnesses for the special Bible Talk
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses: where next to your home?
In the weeks before the Memorial you can find the congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses for the Memorial next to your home on On click on “Find a Meeting”.
The Memorial of Jesus Christ’s death (the Lord’s Supper or Lord’s evening meal): how often to be commemorated?
When Jesus Christ instituted the Memorial, he simply said: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me (The Bible, Luke 22:19)”. At no time Jesus specifically stated how often the Memorial should be commemorated. Also no other disciple of Jesus Christ did. But the information on this page may help you to decide how often the Memorial of the death of Jesus Christ should be commemorated.
What does the Apostle Paul write about the Lord’s Evening Meal?
When the Apostle Paul wrote about the Lord’s evening meal (the Lord’s Supper or Memorial) Paul said: “For as often as you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he arrives” (The Bible, 1. Corinthians 11:26). “As often” must not mean many times a year. It can mean annually (once in a year).
How often is the Memorial of Jesus Christ’s death to be commemorated?
If we commemorate a wedding anniversary or another important event in our life, how often are we doing it? Once in a year on the anniversary date, isn’t it?
Or if a whole nation commemorates a specific event. Like an important day in its history, how often is this done? Once a year on the anniversary date! With the Memorial of the death of Jesus Christ it is the same.
The Memorial of the death of Jesus Christ replaced an annual celebration
Should the Memorial of Jesus Christ’s death, the Lord’s Supper or Lord’s Evening Meal, be commemorated also once a year? Once a year on the anniversary date would be consistent with the fact, that Jesus Christ instituted the Lord’s evening meal (the Lord’s Supper or Memorial) exactly at the time of the Jewish Passover. Exactly on the date and evening, when all the Jews (Jesus Christ was born as a Jew and lived among Jews) had this yearly celebration. The Jewish Passover was celebrated once a year. Very important to know is also, that the Jewish Passover was also a very important Memorial. But every Jew, who have become a Christian, don’t celebrate anymore this formerly very important Memorial. Because the Memorial of the death of Jesus Christ (the Lord’s Supper or Lord’s Evening Meal) replaced this annual Memorial. No Christian must observe today the Jewish Passover. The Memorial of the death of Jesus Christ is the only event, which Christians must memorialize. Again yearly.
When is the Lord’s evening meal (the Memorial of the death of Jesus Christ or the Lord’s Supper) to be commemorated?
If we commemorate an important event in our life, such as a wedding anniversary, when do we commemorate it? Is it not on that day, on which this important event in our life happened? Would you commemorate your wedding anniversary on any other day? In case you would, what would your mate think and feel?
Let’s take another example. If a nation commemorates an important event in its history, when is it done? Would it be reasonable to commemorate it on another day? If we would commemorate such an important event not exactly on this day, when it happened, what would other people think about it? Or let’s take the example that we would get free of work, because of this special memorial day. Can we tell our employer on a totally different day, that we take off from work, because we want to commemorate this Memorial day?
The same is with the Memorial of the death of Jesus Christ. The Memorial of Jesus Christ’s death should take place at exactly the same day when Jesus Christ died.
We know exactly the date when Jesus Christ instituted the Memorial (the Lord’s Supper or the Lord’s evening meal)
Jesus Christ instituted the Memorial of his death (the Lord’s evening meal or Supper) on Nisan 14, according to the biblical Jewish calendar that was common in the first century. Jesus Christ also died on Nisan 14 (in the afternoon about three o’clock). Why that? Because in the first century the Jewish day began at sundown and extended until the following sundown. So Jesus Christ died exactly on the same Jewish calendar day. but when is Nisan 14 in our calendar?
Is the Lord’s Evening Meal, the Lord’s Supper, the Memorial always on the same day?
On what day on our calendar should the Memorial of the death of Jesus Christ (the Lord’s Supper, Lord’s Evening Meal) be observed? Is the right time for the Memorial 2 1/2 days before Easter, Thursday evening? It can be, but this is not always the case. Why? The month of Nisan started with the sunset after the new Moon nearest the spring equinox became visible in Jerusalem. 14 days thereafter is the Memorial date. Because of this the Memorial day is not a fixed day in our calendar. The Memorial can be on a different day from year-to-year. For example: the Memorial of an important event, such as a wedding anniversary is also normally from year-to-year on another day. The same is true with the day of the Memorial of Jesus Christ’s death.
Can we celebrate the Memorial, Lord’s Evening Meal, Lord’s Supper according the guidelines of the Bible everywhere?
If we live according to the guidelines of the Bible, we want to celebrate the Memorial, the Lord’s evening meal, the Lord’s supper in the right way and on the exact right day. Now, from the Bible we can learn, how we should commemorate the death of Jesus Christ. But not every so-called Christian religion commemorates the death of Jesus Christ according to the date and guidelines of the Bible. But Jehovah’s Witnesses do.
Once each year Jehovah’s Witnesses memorialize the death of Jesus Christ worldwide with many guests on that evening which corresponds to Nisan 14th. What is more, also exactly in the same way the Bible commands us to do. Exactly on that day and evening, Nisan 14, Jehovah’s Witnesses gather together all over the world for the Memorial of the death of Jesus Christ.
Learn more about the Memorial of Jesus Christ´s Death from the Christian religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Watchtower Online Library.
Memorial also through videoconference
If you enjoy the Memorial through videoconference or telephone, you need the symbols for the Memorial. Bread and wine. In a video on you can see how to make Memorial Bread.
And you need the right kind of wine for the Memorial. Read on what kind of wine would be appropriate for the Memorial.
Websites about the Memorial (Lord’s Evening Meal)
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses
Invitation to the Memorial from Jehovah’s Witnesses
Memorial of Jesus Christ’s death
Nisan 14 (biblical calendar): Date of the Memorial (Lord’s Evening Meal)
Memorial Bible Reading
Memorial Morning Worship
Special Bible Talk Jehovah’s Witnesses before the Memorial
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses 2027
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses 2026
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses 2025
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses 2024
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses 2023
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses 2022
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses 2021
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses 2020
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses 2019
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses 2018
Video about the very beautiful Future
Nisan 14 (biblical calendar). The Day, when Jesus Christ instituted the Memorial and gave his life as a sacrifice for humankind
Nisan 14 (biblical calendar) was the day, when Jesus Christ instituted the Memorial. And gave his life as a sacrifice for us. Jehovah’s Witnesses remember the death of Jesus Christ every year exactly on Nisan 14. But what day in our Calender corresponds to Nisan 14 (biblical calendar)? . For example:
Memorial 2025 Jehovah’s Witnesses: Day and Date for the Memorial 2025 from Jehovah’s Witnesses
The Day and Date for the Memorial 2025 from Jehovah’s Witnesses is Saturday, April 12, 2025. The Memorial Date corresponds to Nisan 14, 2025 (biblical calendar).
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses 2024: Date of the Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses 2024
Jesus Christ instituted the Memorial or Lord’s evening meal on Nisan 14 (biblical calendar). Nisan 14 2024 corresponds to Sunday, March 24, 2024. So Jehovah’s Witnesses plan to commemorate the death of Jesus Christ at the Memorial 2024 of Jehovah’s Witnesses on this Day and Date.
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses 2023: The date of the Memorial of Jesus’ death 2023
Nisan 14 2023, the date and day of the Memorial of Jesus Christ’s death 2023: Tuesday, April 4, 2023.
Memorial 2022 Jehovah’s Witnesses
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses 2021: date and day of the Memorial 2021 from Jehovah’s Witnesses
The Memorial 2021 from Jehovah’s Witnesses was on Saturday, March 27, 2021
Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses 2020: Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Memorial 2019 from Jehovah’s Witnesses to remember the death of Jesus Christ: on what Day?
The Memorial (Lord’s evening meal, Last Supper, Lord’s supper) from Jehovah’s Witnesses 2019 was on April 19, 2019. Friday after sundown.