Jehovah God Trust

Jehovah God Trust
In God’s Word, the Bible, we are told to trust Jehovah God with all our heart and not to rely on our own understanding. But to observe Jehovah God in all our ways. (The Bible, Proverbs 3:5,6)

Why does Jehovah God deserve our complete trust?

One good reason to trust Jehovah God is that Jehovah is described in the Bible as being love. (The Bible, 1 John 4:8)
His whole nature can be described with this quality. The word for love used here describes a selfless love.
Another reason to trust Jehovah God is that Jehovah has the greatest possible wisdom.

What is the benefit of trusting Jehovah God?

The Bible book of Proverbs chapter 2, verse 6, states that it is Jehovah who gives wisdom. It also states in verse 7 that he treasures up practical wisdom for the upright.
Wisdom can make people happy, because verse 13 of the Bible book of Proverbs in chapter 3 says, that the person who finds wisdom and acquires discernment is happy.