

Bible: what book is the Bible? What do you mean? Is the Bible God’s word for mankind? Or just a good book? What can we learn from the Bible?
The Bible is a book from God Almighty. In the Bible we can find the name of Almighty God: Jehovah.
Learn more about the Bible

Suffering: why do Evil and Human Suffering exist?

2024-10-20T14:30:12+02:00March 27th, 2022|Categories: Bible|Tags: |

Would it not be good, if we could ask Almighty God Jehovah, why Evil and human suffering exist? But can we? Yes! You can ask Jehovah God in prayer. And Jehovah God give us the answer in his word, the Bible. And through his Witnesses on earth: Jehovah’s Witnesses. Which preach and teach the messages of [...]

Bible Prophecy: Bible Prophecies, which will be fulfilled in the nearby Future

2024-03-05T10:20:32+02:00February 27th, 2022|Categories: Bible|Tags: |

Fulfilled Bible Prophecy show, that the Bible must be inspired by God. This is, what we can also read in the Bible: “(2 Timothy 3:16) All Scripture is inspired of God…”. Bible prophecies for the past are fulfilled with an accuracy of hundred percent. In the Bible we find also prophecies for our time. Which are [...]

Kingdom of God, God’s Kingdom

2023-09-21T18:02:40+02:00November 28th, 2020|Categories: Bible|Tags: , , |

What is the Kingdom of God, God’s Kingdom? What is the Kingdom of God, God's Kingdom? What has God's Kingdom already done? What will it accomplish? “Thy Kingdom Come”. A Prayer repeated by Millions Did you ever pray for God’s Kingdom to come? Millions have. Because Jesus Christ told his followers to pray for God’s Kingdom. [...]

Armageddon: What is the meaning of Armageddon in the Bible?

2023-12-18T17:27:09+02:00April 27th, 2020|Categories: Bible|Tags: |

Armageddon: what is Armageddon? The word Armageddon appears in the Bible in the Bible book of Revelation chapter 16 verse 16. The expression Armageddon comes from a Hebrew term that means “Mountain of Megiddo”. Strictly speaking Armageddon refers to the situation which is described in the Bible book of Revelation chapter 16 verse 14. When the [...]

Satan Devil: Who is Satan?

2024-09-02T08:51:40+02:00September 21st, 2018|Categories: Bible|

Satan Devil : Who is Satan? | How can we resist the Devil? Satan, Devil, resist the Devil - Satan Devil : Who is Satan? | How can we resist the Devil? Satan is a true Person, not the evil in a Person.1.(Job 1:6) Now it came to be the day when the sons of the [...]


2023-05-20T16:49:33+02:00May 2nd, 2018|Categories: Bible|Tags: |

The Bible… … is a unique book. For example: “The Bible is the best-selling book of the year, every year” (The New Yorker magazine). Altogether more than five billion Bibles have been printed (in whole o go to sleep and r in part). And the Bible was translated into more than 2500 languages (in whole or [...]

New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures from Jehovah’s Witnesses: modern, easy to understand Bible Translation

2025-02-10T14:49:49+02:00November 13th, 2017|Categories: Bible|Tags: , |

Jehovah’s Witnesses Bible Translation: New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures What is the main difference between the Jehovah's Witnesses Bible (New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures) and other Bibles of Christianity? The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures is a Bible Translation from Jehovah's Witnesses. The main difference between the Bible from Jehovah's [...]

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