

Bible: what book is the Bible? What do you mean? Is the Bible God’s word for mankind? Or just a good book? What can we learn from the Bible?
The Bible is a book from God Almighty. In the Bible we can find the name of Almighty God: Jehovah.
Learn more about the Bible

Loyal Love

2024-10-26T18:55:34+02:00October 26th, 2024|Categories: Bible|Tags: |

Loyal love "Loyal love" appears over 220 times in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. What is meant by loyal love? Loyal love is a "love that is willing to make a commitment and is based on loyalty and integrity. And is characterized by a close bond. The term loyal love is often used [...]


2024-10-20T15:13:42+02:00October 20th, 2024|Categories: Bible|

What is repentance? In God's Word, the Bible, repentance means that someone sees his behavior as a mistake. He gives up the behavior and is determined not to repeat the mistake. Repentance causes a change of mind. It is accompanied by a deep regret about the previous way of life, about a wrong behavior or an [...]

Satan Devil

2024-09-02T12:22:27+02:00September 2nd, 2024|Categories: Bible|Tags: , |

Satan, the Devil Satan the Devil: who is Satan and who is the Devil? Did you ever asked this question: „Who is Satan or who is the Devil„? The Bible describes the person, who is called Satan or Devil, as a spirit creature. Satan is the chief adversary of the Almighty God Jehovah (Jehovah is according [...]

The Resurrection – Victory over Death!

2024-03-18T21:29:09+02:00March 18th, 2024|Categories: Bible|Tags: |

The Resurrection - Victory over Death! We all have an enemy. The same enemy. We try to keep this enemy away from us. But we can’t. Which enemy is it? Death. God’s Word, the Bible, says this about death: (1 Corinthians 15:26) “26 And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing.” How is [...]


2023-06-04T14:24:30+02:00June 4th, 2023|Categories: Bible|Tags: |

Bible The Bible is the word of God. How can you benefit from the Bible? Why can we trust the Bible? With Links to more Info about the Bible How do you think about the Bible? Do you think, the Bible can help us to improve our life? Give reliable guidance for a happy life? Do [...]

Does the Bible forbid blood transfusions? Is it possible to get blood transfusion alternative treatments?

2025-02-11T14:42:05+02:00January 14th, 2023|Categories: Bible|Tags: |

What can we learn in the Bible about blood transfusions? Jehovah's Witnesses don't use blood transfusions, but blood transfusion alternative treatments. Because of what the Bible has to say about blood. What does the Bible tell us about blood transfusions? It is very important what the Bible tell us about blood and blood transfusions. Because the [...]

Fulfilled Bible prophecies in front of our eyes

2024-01-23T23:22:31+02:00January 3rd, 2023|Categories: Bible|

Today Bible prophecy is fulfilled What of the following Bible prophecies are fulfilled today? Click Here to find out, which Bible Prophecies are fulfilled today in front of our eyes. And what the fulfillment of Bible prophecies in our time show. (Matthew 24:3) While he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him [...]

Bible Prophecy: Bible prophecies, which are fulfilled today: the Sign of the Last Days or End Times

2024-01-23T23:20:36+02:00April 18th, 2022|Categories: Bible|Tags: |

Bible Prophecy: Bible prophecies, which are fulfilled today: the Sign of the Last Days or End Times Here you can find Bible Prophecies, which are fulfilled today. In front of our eyes. The simultaneous fulfillment of all this Prophecies of the Bible, which were written for our time, show us, that we are living in the [...]

Bible Prophecies about War and Bible Prophecy about Russia

2023-10-18T21:34:58+02:00April 5th, 2022|Categories: Bible|Tags: |

Bible Prophecy about War and about Russia Here you can find interesting Bible Prophecies about war and Bible prophecy about Russia. Which is fulfilled today and in the near future. In the Bible you can find biblical prophecies, which are fulfilled today. Which were written for today. One of this Prophecies, which is fulfilled today, is [...]

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