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So far 24-7info.info has created 313 blog entries.

Do Jehovah’s Witnesses have the only true religion in the world? What religion is closest to the truth?

2022-01-29T15:59:22+02:00January 29th, 2022|Categories: Jehovah, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus Christ|Tags: |

Why Jehovah’s Witnesses believe, that they are teaching the truth? Maybe tens of thousands of so-called Christian denominations claim to worship God acceptable. So it is good to find the answer to the question: “Is there one true religion? Or are all religions pleasing to God? And why are Jehovah’s Witnesses convinced, that Jehovah’s Witnesses are [...]

Jehovah’s Witnesses follow the commandment of the Bible of Disfellowshipping

2022-01-29T14:24:59+02:00January 29th, 2022|Categories: Jehovah's Witnesses|

Jehovah’s Witnesses and the commandment of the Bible of Disfellowshipping According to the Bible, unrepentant sinners should be disfellowshipped. Jehovah’s Witnesses trust the Bible. And try to follow all the principles and commandments in the Bible. Also the commandment of Disfellowshipping. This may be different in many other religions. Is Disfellowshipping loving? Maybe, some people may [...]

Memorial Jehovah’s Witnesses 2025 to remember the death of Jesus Christ

2025-01-05T16:17:15+02:00January 6th, 2022|Categories: Jesus Christ|Tags: , |

2025 Memorial of Jesus Christ’s Death just as he commanded You are invited to two free events: the Memorial of Jesus' death. And a special Bible talk on a weekend before the Memorial. What can the sacrifice of Jesus Christ mean for you? Why can you benefit from visiting the Memorial 2025 from Jehovah’s Witnesses in [...]

Why Jehovah’s Witnesses go from door to door: Jehovah’s Witnesses talk about the Good News from the Bible

2021-11-28T14:29:32+02:00November 13th, 2021|Categories: Jehovah's Witnesses|

Conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses: what does Jehovah’s Witnesses talk about, when Jehovahs Witnesses go from door to door? Maybe you never talked with Jehovah’s Witnesses on your door. And you ask yourself, why Jehovah’s Witnesses go from door to door. And come also to your door. Jehovah’s Witnesses go from door to door with good News [...]

Reasons for Joy for Jehovah’s Witnesses: make Jehovah God joyful and happy

2021-11-13T13:43:05+02:00November 13th, 2021|Categories: Jehovah, Jehovah's Witnesses|Tags: |

What can contribute to our Joy and happiness? To make Jehovah God joyful and happy To be joyful and happy is beautiful. Joy can enrich our lives. And contribute to a satisfying and happy life. And if we give good things to others, we can receive happiness. We can read in the Bible: (Acts 20:35) “I [...]

Memorial 2023 Jehovah’s Witnesses: Memorial of Jesus Christ’s death 2023

2023-12-08T17:52:52+02:00November 12th, 2021|Categories: Jesus Christ|Tags: , |

Memorial 2023 Jehovah's Witnesses Date and Attendance of the Memorial 2023. What are good reasons to visit the Memorial in remembrance of Jesus Christ's death? The day of the Memorial of Jesus Christ’s death was the most important day for Jehovah’s people in the year 2023. The Memorial is the only event that Jesus Christ specifically [...]

2024 Memorial of Jesus’ Death from Jehovah’s Witnesses (Lords Evening Meal, Lord’s Supper, Last Supper)

2024-06-20T14:27:11+02:00November 12th, 2021|Categories: Jesus Christ|Tags: , |

Memorial 2024 of Jesus Christ’s Death just as he commanded Click Here, if you want to view the Video about the Memorial 2024 from Jehovah's Witnesses to remember the death of Jesus Christ (Lord's Evening Meal 2024, Lords Supper 2024, Last Supper 2024). The Memorial 2024 of Jesus Christ’s death took place worldwide on the day [...]

Millions remembered 2022 the death of Jesus Christ at the Memorial 2022 from Jehovah’s Witnesses

2023-01-02T21:52:45+02:00November 12th, 2021|Categories: Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus Christ|

Memorial of Jesus death 2022: Lords evening meal 2022 In 2022 Jehovah’s Witnesses commemorated the death of Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus commanded when he said: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” (The Bible, Luke 22:19) The Date of the Memorial 2022 from Jehovah’s Witnesses was on Friday, April 15, 2022. Worldwide the Memorial started [...]

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