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So far 24-7info.info has created 313 blog entries.

What makes Jehovah’s Witnesses different from Christianity and every other Religion?

2024-09-14T15:00:55+02:00May 5th, 2023|Categories: Jehovah's Witnesses|

What is the main difference between Jehovah’s Witnesses and Christianity and every other Religion in the world? The main Difference between Jehovah's Witnesses and Christianity is, that Jehovah's Witnesses do and teach what is written in the Bible. Which Jehovah's Witnesses consider as God's word. The teaching of every other Religion differs greatly from what the [...]

Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses call Themselves Jehovah Witnesses?

2023-05-05T22:48:46+02:00May 5th, 2023|Categories: Jehovah's Witnesses|Tags: |

Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses call themselves Jehovah’s Witnesses? The Name Jehovah’s Witnesses designates Jehovah’s Witnesses as a group of Christians which proclaim, like Jesus Christ, the truth about Jehovah God. Which is, according to the Bible, the creator of all things. Jehovah’s Witnesses witness in hundreds of languages to all the nations what they have learned [...]

What do Jehovahs Witnesses believe?

2023-05-05T21:43:36+02:00May 5th, 2023|Categories: Jehovah's Witnesses|

What do Jehovah‘s Witnesses believe? Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in Jesus Christ Jehovah‘s Witnesses are Christians. Jehovah’s Witnesses strive to adhere to the form of Christianity that Jesus Christ was teaching. Jehovah’s Witnesses follow the teaching and said example of Jesus Christ. From the Bible Jehovah’s Witnesses have learned, that Jesus Christ is not see Almighty God. [...]

Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses 2025

2024-09-09T18:57:34+02:00April 27th, 2023|Categories: Jehovah's Witnesses|Tags: |

Convention Jehovah's Witnesses 2025 The 3 day Conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses in 2025 will have the Theme "Pure Worship". More information about the 2025 Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses you may find in April 2025 on the website from Jehovah's Witnesses JW.org. In April 2025 go to JW.org. And write in the search field "Convention". Find a [...]

Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses 2024: “Declare the good News”

2024-06-08T22:32:32+02:00April 27th, 2023|Categories: Jehovah's Witnesses|Tags: , , |

Convention 2024 Jehovah's Witnesses In 2024, Jehovah's Witnesses will continue to hold 3-day conventions around the world in hundreds of languages. Everyone is invited. Video about the Convention 2024 of Jehovah's Witnesses on YouTube The Theme of the 2024 Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses is… … "Declare the good News". And is based on 1. Corinthians 9:16 [...]

Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses 2023 “Exercise Patience!”

2023-07-02T11:36:29+02:00April 18th, 2023|Categories: Jehovah's Witnesses|Tags: , , , , , |

Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses 2023 "Exercise Patience" Why can it be very beneficial for You to visit the Convention 2023 of Jehovah's Witnesses? What is to expect at the 2023 Convention of Jehovahs Witnesses? Watch a Video about the 2023 Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses "Exercise Patience". Why can the 2023 Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses “Exercise Patience” very beneficial [...]

Memorial Morning Worship Jehovah’s Witnesses

2024-03-22T17:55:29+02:00April 5th, 2023|Categories: Jehovah's Witnesses|Tags: |

Memorial Morning Worship Jehovah's Witnesses On the day of the Memorial of Jesus Christ's Death Jehovah's Witnesses present regularly a Memorial Morning Worship. Which you can enjoy on the website from Jehovah's Witnesses, JW.org. Memorial Morning Worship 2024 The Memorial Morning Worship 2024 is presented from Kenneth Cook. And has the theme "How should we remember [...]

Memorial Bible Reading

2023-12-16T18:47:04+02:00April 5th, 2023|Categories: Jesus Christ|Tags: , |

Reads the Bible in the days of the Memorial of Jesus Christ's death During the time of the Memorial of Jesus Christ's death, you may want to read Bible Scriptures from Nisan 14th. The day of Jesus death. And the days before and afterward. Memorial Bible Reading Nisan 8, Nisan 9, Nisan 10, Nisan 11 You [...]

Why Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t use blood transfusions

2023-06-27T18:02:02+02:00January 14th, 2023|Categories: Jehovah's Witnesses|

Why Jehovah's Witnesses don't use blood transfusions Jehovah's Witnesses don't use blood transfusions, but blood transfusion alternative treatments. Why? What does the Bible tell us about blood transfusions? It is very important what the Bible tell us about blood and blood transfusions. Because the Bible is the word of God Almighty. And what we can learn [...]

Fulfilled Bible prophecies in front of our eyes

2024-01-23T23:22:31+02:00January 3rd, 2023|Categories: Bible|

Today Bible prophecy is fulfilled What of the following Bible prophecies are fulfilled today? Click Here to find out, which Bible Prophecies are fulfilled today in front of our eyes. And what the fulfillment of Bible prophecies in our time show. (Matthew 24:3) While he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him [...]

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