Jesus Christ is called “The Word of God” in the Bible

Jesus Christ is called The Word of God in the Bible
Jesus Christ is called “the Word” in the Bible book of John chapter one, verses 1 and 14. Because Jesus spoke on behalf of (or for, instead of) God. He had undoubtedly conveyed messages from Jehovah God to other creatures. (see John 1:9, 15-18)

“The Word” is used in the Bible as a title for Jesus Christ

And in the Bible book of Revelation (Revelation 19: 13), Jesus is called by the name “The Word of God.”
This title for Jesus Christ (“the Word”) refers both to Jesus’ life in heaven. And also to his life on earth.

Jesus Christ served as God’s spokesman

The title “the Word” or “the Word of God” is an appropriate title for Jesus Christ. Because Jesus was used by God to convey God’s Word to others. According to the Bible book of John chapter 12 (verses 49 and 50) Jesus Christ said, that he has not spoken of his own initiative. But the Father (Jehovah God), who sent him, gave Jesus a commandment about what he to say and what to speak. Jesus said, that whatever he speaks, he speaks just as the Father has told him.
In chapter 14, verse 10, of the Bible book of John, we learn that Jesus did not speak of his own originality. But the Father (Jehovah God), who remains in union with Jesus is doing his works.
Jesus also said, that he speaks the things he has seen while with his father (John 8:38).
And Jesus also said, that he cannot do a single thing of his own initiative. But only what he sees the Father doing. And whatever things the Father does, these things the son does also in like manner (John 5: 19).

Jesus Christ was with Jehovah God from the beginning of creation

In the Bible book of John chapter 1, verses 1 and 2, we learn that the Word was with God in the beginning. Jesus Christ is also called “the firstborn of all creation” in the Bible (The Bible, Colossians 1: 15). Jesus therefore existed before everything else that has ever been created. Jesus was the beginning of God’s creation. Verses 16 and 17 further show that everything else that was created was created through Jesus and for Jesus.